'I've heard of perfect families, but I haven't met one yet.'
Integrative Family Psychotherapy & Counselling
'I've heard of perfect families, but I haven't met one yet.'
I say that light heartedly, but it is true. No matter how 'perfect' the family 'next door but 1' may seem, I can assure you, they will come with their own unique set of up's and downs, chaos and concerns, trials and tribulations - you get the idea.
I've met many the now 'grown up' child of aesthetically 'idyllic' families (who appeared to be doing everything 'perfectly') and I can assure you (again) that they too have their struggles with development, emotional, cognitive and behavioural issues; whilst their mate 'Odd sock Billy' from number 9 who'd only ever been witnessed eating sausage rolls from behind his Xbox, "seemed to grow up just fine."
Our lives and families are full of contrast, with high's and lows coming in every guise you can think of. Each family has their own individual wants and needs as a collective, mixed with the separate wants and needs from individuals within the household. No two families needs and wants are the same, or are any less valid.
Parenting is hard. The expectations and responsibilities are often overwhelming. I remember thinking how when I had children "I'd be nothing like my mother, I'd never lose my temper!" Only to realise how absolutely unrealistic that notion was at the time. We are all humans trying to do our best by those we care about, especially our children. We won't always get it right, we'll make mountains of mistakes - but we are trying.
I remember feeling the weight of responsibility when I left the hospital with my first baby - In my head, I had "18 years to try and keep him alive." If that wasn't enough I also had the responsibility of making sure he learnt good morals, kindness, how to share, go to the toilet, read...( The list felt never ending - it still does.)
We bring tiny humans into the world, knowing our job is to look after them physically and emotionally; to hone them into the best versions of themselves. We do however sometimes neglect that their wants and needs may not be that of our own, we negate to remember that they have their own internal compass, own emotions, thoughts and behaviours; it is our job as much as we can, to meet them where they are, and walk our journeys alongside them supportively. It all sounds lovely on paper, but in reality trying to live in the fast paced society we are a part of, It can be tough to juggle everyone's needs effectively.
Emotional Dysregulation within a family is common - The ripple effects from stress, mental health issues and neurodevelopmental disorders, can feel incredibly overwhelming and 'catching.' Sometimes members of a family retreat into themselves, becoming avoidant; building walls to block the issues out, conversely one person may 'set off' another, and before you know it; fireworks.
We may feel we are on an ever spinning cycle of chaos, trapped in a vice, or in an emotional pressure cooker; on the verge of explosion. Sometimes we explode, sometimes we implode - trapped in what could be described as a hall of mirrors, all reflecting or reacting to one another's emotions; be those irritability, anger, frustration, sadness, depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, fear, loneliness or grief.​
Family psychotherapy & counselling can be complex, but incredibly rewarding when improvements in communication and connection start to unfold. I can't promise you a complete overhaul overnight, but I can promise a confidential and judgement free zone; a safe space for you to explore the individual and collective issues within the dynamic; allowing you to go forward with clear purpose.
Working together we will create a personalised plan of achievable goals as stepping stones to your 'main goal,' be that a better functioning environment, stronger relationships, healthier attachments or a more regulated dynamic between all involved.