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'I've heard of perfect families, but I haven't met one yet.'


Individual Psychotherapy & Counselling

“There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.”

― Leonard Cohen

Life is full of contrast, and always will be. There can be no light without darkness and no highlights without shadows; the secret is to learn to dance with them both. It is of course, easier said than done, but that's why you're here right? To learn to navigate your way through the shades of grey. 


I'll preface with I do not believe we can be forever 'fixed.'
I say this because we are not 'broken,' we are fluid, ever changing, ever flowing, ever growing; a beautiful mosaic of experiences, traumas, relationships, losses, wins and failures; fractured masterpieces - all telling a deeply personal, complex and unique story; walking works of art in the gallery of life. Not everyone will understand us or appreciate the beauty and disaster that we display, not everyone will understand how we have been crafted nor will we be everyone's taste or style, yet however we display - we are valid and we are worthy.

Our emotions, thoughts and feelings matter, they deserve to be validated, respected and given the appropriate time and energy; too often we neglect to give ourselves the same grace, forgiveness, time and understanding we would for others that we care about.

Our mental health is the precursor to everything else in our lives. Our relationships, physical health, spiritual growth and material success all depend on us being in alignment with our feelings, so whatever is causing you to suffer emotionally, no matter how big or small - Therapy can help. 


I offer a safe space for honesty and exploration, allowing you to delve into the places we so often try to hide from. The parts of ourselves we keep under wraps due to fear of judgement, in turn are often the things weighing us down; we repeat what we don't repair, patterning behaviours that often leave us feeling at loggerheads with how we actually present to the world and in our relationships; vs how we want to be, or think we 'should' be. When we can strip away our expectations of ourselves and of others, when we can be vulnerable; understanding the only thing we can truly be in control of is that of our thoughts, actions, choices and decisions - we learn that many of us are living in cages we built ourselves, through fear.

These 'cages' or 'walls' have been our protectors, and often we have immense resistance to let them go, but at some point, the safety cage will no longer serve us, in fact it starts to hinder, becoming a self-made prison - leaving us to feel trapped within our limitations and confinement.

When we release ourselves of these walls, barriers, belief systems, expectations, projections and rules, we have freedom and opportunity to look at our lives and relationships more objectively. Our neuroplasticity is forever malleable, we can learn ourselves over and over again, letting our 'why' lead us into a purpose built lifestyle.


Our lives after all are built on the 'small' things. Though most of us have a  goal in mind of who we want to be or 'should' be, in reality it is the small day to day things that create our life and who we are. We are how we drink our coffee in the morning, how we drive to work. We are how we talk to the shop assistant on our weekly shop, and how we pick up our kids from school. When you do the 'small' things with intent and presence, you realise these are the 'big' things; they are the foundations to everything else we want to achieve.

“I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.”

― Helena Bonham Carter

My job is to allow you see your masterpiece for what it is, an ever developing painting of colour and contrast. Through therapy, you hold the paint brush and I hold the pallet. Often we are so lost in overwhelm we cannot see where to start, we are clouded when it comes to working out what serves us. Therapy can help you to see things from an external perspective, aiding you to explore regulatory tools and communication methods. Through practice we can work to create a new set of healthier systems - building the new routes of thought and neural pathways, that will serve you going forward, enabling you to deal with pressure, stress and overwhelm more effectively. 

I take an eclectic approach to Psychotherapy and Counselling, pulling from a range of therapeutic techniques including DBT, IPT, CBT, REBT, ERT, Transactional Analysis, Shadow work, Person Centred Therapy, Existential Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Humanistic Therapy and Gestalt techniques. 


I work with you to help find catharsis through the emotional dysregulation and cognitive chaos - allowing the weight of your thoughts and experiences to be set free. We work together to reframe your experiences, emotions, thoughts and behaviours; allowing you to let go of, and work through unhealthy emotions, such as shame, guilt, anger, pain and resentment.


We work together to understand the past, to observe and appreciate the present, working to find the best suited tools for you to live out your 'why' with purpose, amongst all life's tones and hues.


When you can find the magic in everyday, you will find the magic that lies within yourself.

© 2022 Felicity Walls - My Why My Way - Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling

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